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OnePlus' CEO confirms the OnePlus 6 will be powered by the cutting-edge Snapdragon 845 processor.

时间:2024-09-23 04:42:49 来源:网络整理 编辑:WhatsApp



Get ready to witness the next evolution of innovation as OnePlus gears up to introduce the OnePlus 6 this spring, specifically in Q2, aligning with the April to June period. As anticipation builds among fans for the colossal revelation, the excitement could soon swell as the anticipation may just land sooner than anticipated.

In a revealing sit-down with CNET, OnePlusCommissioner Pete Lau laid out that their next masterpiece is set to launch within the second quarter. Coinciding with the unveiling of the renowned OnePlus 5 last year, Lau also disclosed the starring chip for the OnePlus 6.

Unveiling the Powerhouse: OnePlus 6 Processor

Under Pete Lau's proclamation, the OnePlus 6 is set to embrace the cutting-edge Snapdragon 845 processor from Qualcomm, representing its latest innovation. Lau confidently declared, “Of course, there’s no other choice.” This leaves OnePlus poised to be among the pioneers to offer this next-generation SoC post the Samsung Galaxy S9 Dual’s triumph.

Although specifics are still in the realm of speculation, the 18:9 slim display is rumored to take center stage. Reflecting the OnePlus legacy, the device might also present familiar RAM and storage combinations, such as 6GB/64GB and the robust 8GB/128GB. With the Snapdragon 845 securing the正品 pass, the OnePlus 6将会 stand toe-to-toe with this year's leading flagships.

The OnePlus Approach: Direction Beyond the Chip

Ambitious in its aspirations, the company is modest yet overly expectant about integrating artificial intelligence into its upcoming creation. As the Snapdragon 845 processor is unveiled, the full potential of such power is anticipated, with AI as a key enabler.

Additionally, it seems OnePlus is setting sights on extending its influence across the United States, through a strategic partnership with carriers. In the interview, Pete Lau expressed an openness to the roadmap, underlining, “If the right opportunity and right timing come along, we’ll be very happy to experiment” with the avenue of selling OnePlus devices via US carriers.

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