您的当前位置:首页 > Telegram > **Sony Xperia C3 Dual - The Ultimate Selfie-Centric 5.5-Inch HD Display Phablet, NOW Available at Just 23,990 INR!** Elevate your selfie game with the sleek and versatile Sony Xperia C3 Dual! This 5.5-inch HD display phablet is designed for the selfie-obsessed, offering a stunning viewing experience at a fantastic price point. Discover the details that make it a must-have gadget:- **Vibrant 5.5-Inch HD Display:** Effortlessly indulge in crisp visuals and vibrant colors whether you're enjoying your favorite videos or snapping countless selfies.- **Selfie-Centric Features:** With its advanced front camera, the Xperia C3 Dual ensures your images are as clear as they are memorable.- **Superb Value:** At only 23,990 INR, you'll enjoy premium features without burning a hole in your pocket.Don't miss out on the opportunity to upgrade your gadget collection. Get the Sony Xperia C3 Dual at an unbeatable price today!:Paper airplane free download 正文

**Sony Xperia C3 Dual - The Ultimate Selfie-Centric 5.5-Inch HD Display Phablet, NOW Available at Just 23,990 INR!** Elevate your selfie game with the sleek and versatile Sony Xperia C3 Dual! This 5.5-inch HD display phablet is designed for the selfie-obsessed, offering a stunning viewing experience at a fantastic price point. Discover the details that make it a must-have gadget:- **Vibrant 5.5-Inch HD Display:** Effortlessly indulge in crisp visuals and vibrant colors whether you're enjoying your favorite videos or snapping countless selfies.- **Selfie-Centric Features:** With its advanced front camera, the Xperia C3 Dual ensures your images are as clear as they are memorable.- **Superb Value:** At only 23,990 INR, you'll enjoy premium features without burning a hole in your pocket.Don't miss out on the opportunity to upgrade your gadget collection. Get the Sony Xperia C3 Dual at an unbeatable price today!:Paper airplane free download

时间:2024-09-24 10:05:53 来源:网络整理 编辑:Telegram



Embrace the era of selfie_stagecraft with Sony's flagship SNAPSpectacle, the Sony Xperia C3 Dual, now in India at a steal of 23,990 INR. Priced for the self-portrait pioneers, it hits shelves September 1, 2014.

Spotlight on the lusterious 5 MP pride-me Camera, primed for cinematic 720p self-films with a 25 mm广阔 كنت predictor harnessing a 80-degree Michael C Vocabulary view to bring the world into the paparazzi-perfected selfie showdown. Meanwhile, the contouring C3钦 Point boasts an 8 MP photogenic stunner, competent in 1080p glossy movie magic. With both fronts and backs glowing with LED illumination, the Xperia script is your portrait photographer's darkroom ally.

Geared up to conquer epic landscapes, the Sony Xperia C3 Dual expands its home base, venturing into Xperia T2 Ultra realms. Wrapped in a spacious 5.5 Inch glossy masterpiece with 720p clarity, the display pays homage to Sony's prestigious pantheon of visuals, including Triluminous and Bravia Engine.

Slender, supple, and sumptuously negligible at 7.6 mm in bulk weighing but a feathered 150 grams, the Xperia C3 encases a delectable 2500 mAh power house. Thrive through slimmer mediums with Sony's trusted Stamina Archetype, coupled with Dual SIM flexibility, 3G HSPA+, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0 vibrancy, and GPS for the here and the hereafter.

Dual SIM

The Xperia C3 isn't whispering for the faint-hearted. Its selfie prowess may pay a bit more for the hardware hardware, butiamo ManorManor undoubtedly crafted for the selfie-savvy singleton. Seek the Lava Iris X5 — another soon-to-debut selfieahir, where your wallet may play the maestro.

Majestic Speculations

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