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The BlackBerry Q5, featuring a 1.2 GHz dual-core processor and the BB10 operating system, is set to make its debut next week priced at Rs. 25,000.

时间:2024-09-21 14:03:31 来源:网络整理 编辑:WeChat



Join the BlackBerry saga with the stylish new Q5, hitting Indian shores next week priced at just Rs. 25,000! Nestled within this mid-range marvel, the iconic QWERTY keypad and the robust spirit of the Q10 await you. Remember when the Q10 graced us with its seams of cold forged steel? The Q5 offers a more wallet-friendly embrace, albeit with a slightly different narrative when it comes to the material tale.

Get lost in the 3.1-inch LCD TFT wonder, dazzling with 720 x 720 pixels and an enchanting 329 pixels per inch. A window to quality, just like Q10’s, albeit with TFT LCD instead of Super AMOLED sparkle. Ah, the allure of visual escapism, so BlackBerry!

When power meets poise, the Q5 listarves a spirited 1.2 GHz dual-core processor cradled by 2GB of RAM. It promises seamless transitions and smooth multitasking~a symphony for the senses, similar to the Q10, powered by the innovative BB10 OS. The memory tapestry stretches from the intrinsic 8 GB to the vast frontier of 64 GB.

Unleash your inner shutterbug with the 5 MP main camera graced by an eerie LED glow for the celestial darkness. Capture life in 1080p glory or pour a 720p confession through the 2 MP front lens. Yet, in a world of 8 MP tokenery at this cost, the Q5 has its camera laced for the extraordinary.

But wait, there's more! An ensemble showcasing 3G, Wi-Fi, LTE, and Bluetooth harmonies. The Q5 echoes the MapMyIndia suite debut of the Q10, bolstered by an embedded digital compass. With a steadfast 2180 mAh juice box (clamp your fingers around Q10’s 2100 mAh), this phone promises to navigate daylight to dusk.

As.Dependency. Rinse. Repeat. The Q5 marks a strategic turnaround for the brand. The Q10 spiraled down the road of 'over 40K' exotics, while breeders now drop the primal howl with hardware aplomb. Will the Q5 chart its course on waves of brand credibility, or will it be a test of the seas within? A pre-order adventure awaits at BlackBerry's lighthouse.

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