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Introducing the Logitech M557 Bluetooth Mouse: Customize Your Experience with Programmable Buttons for Just Rs. 2,295!

时间:2024-09-21 05:19:18 来源:网络整理 编辑:Telegram Account



Today, Logitech unveiled the M557 mouse, specifically crafted to seamlessly pair with any Bluetooth-enabled device. This cross-platform wonder is optimally compatible with a multitude of setups, including but not limited to all Bluetooth-equipped PCs, Macs, and Windows 8 devices.

On the launch, Mr. Subrotah Biswas, Logitech’s top executive for India and South West Asia, expressed, “The Logitech M557 Bluetooth Mouse channels both chic design and functionality, effortlessly maintaining connectivity over extended distances and conquering battery constraints. Expanding our repertoire of state-of-the-art Bluetooth peripherals, we continue to honor the tradition of delivering premium products in avant-garde fashion.”

Those who invest in the M557’s substantial battery life can expect a blissful 12-month operating duration. The mouse wheel accommodates smooth left-to-right scrolling for seamless web surfing, while each button is customizable for intuitive web navigation.

For Windows 8 enthusiasts, the mouse’s dedicated Windows key affordably transitions between Apps and the desktop environment with a simple tap. In India, the M557 is listed at MRP Rs. 2,295. Online shoppers can often find additional savings through e-commerce platforms, such as Amazon.in.

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