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What Is Bing Chat Visual Search, and What Are Its Advantages? Plus, a Guided Guide on How to Use It Effectively.

时间:2024-09-21 09:00:10 来源:网络整理 编辑:WeChat



Embrace the illustrative revolution with Bing's Visual Search boost – mingling data and dreams for an enthralling chatbot journey. However, its reach is currently worldless, tethered by invisible strings of practical limitations. But not for long! Microsoft is rolling out Visual Search in Bing Chat to bridge this gap with a visual connection, where users paste pixels and extract relevance.漓江秘境,尽藏其中。在本文中,我们将揭秘Visual Search在Bing Chat中的神奇魔力,探讨其丰富应用,一探使用技巧。

Bing AI Chat中的视觉搜索:洞悉影像的密码

仿佛Google Lens的生动羽翼,视觉搜索依靠机器学习与计算机视觉的精准扫描,深度解析图像元素,编织出细腻的结果图谱。曾藏身Edge浏览器深渊,如今腾飞至Bing AI Chat之上。

这一AI相伴的工具有力拔高了结果的精度,更可围绕图像内容深挖百态,一问一答,探测求知无涯。紧随Bing AI的脚步,一切信息觉得索之源尽收眼底,旗下的搜索引擎同步翻涌着知识的海洋,更是一站式的信赖选择。我们曾在多个对象上试验,视觉搜索之美无处不在,缺陷也轻轻拂过,仅在有限的食品解析中留下一抹遗憾。

Bing AI Chat视觉搜索的应用案例:洞悉万象

以下案例震撼涌现,彰显视觉搜索之才,教您如何善用Bing Chat,探索视觉无界。







分享博览与社交媒体艺术博览:视觉搜索携手生成式AI,为社交媒体注入趣味的灵魂,吸引力满满 caption和标题章章入目。


掌上ар 실행:命理探秘:一掌之间,解析命运轨迹,命运之谜在指尖起舞。AI精准辨识手纹秘密,星级预告或终成好友间妙趣横生的茶余饭后。

掌上ар 실행:命理探秘:

如何使用Bing AI Chat中的视觉搜索?

来了,探索Bing AI Chat视觉搜索的神秘之旅,不分电脑与手机,两步走轻松上手。




  1. 点击Edge浏览器右上角的Chat图标启动无尽对话。
  2. 切换至Account设置,挑选适合的风格。
  3. 点击文本框内的Visual Search按钮,启动你的图像之旅。
  4. 从容上传图像,输入问题结束。
  5. 发送,即刻收获你的数字徽章。



在智能手机上,Bing App是你的贴心小助手。以下启程,漫步视觉之海。


  1. 下载Bing应用,{:target="_blank"}探索广阔天地
  2. 打开Bing应用,注册登录,即刻成为主。
  3. 点击Bing Chat按钮,开启一段言语之旅。
  4. 启动Visual Search,拍摄或上传你的下一步冒险。
  5. 你的图文话语将被送往彼岸,坐标系你的好奇。

Bing Chat将引领你穿梭于虚拟与现实,揭示图像背后的无限可能。


Q:我如何在Bing Chat中上传图片?

借助视觉搜索功能,选择图片上传争做字节之主,图片会与Bing Chat携手共舞,传达你的信息。

Q:如何在智能手机上使用Bing Chat视觉搜索?

Bing应用程序是智能手机上的视觉探索平台。只需下载,登录,_COMMERCIAL Skype..

Q:Bing AI能否进行图像的反向搜索?

当然。借助类似于Google Lens的视觉搜索功能,上传任何图像启动查询,Bing将给出详尽的网络搜索答案。

Q:Bing AI能读手相吗?

是的,Bing AI能通过视觉搜索识别你的手,探寻不同的掌纹、轮廓和其他特征。它会搜寻网络上的掌相资源,将你的图片与分析匹配。

Q:如何在使用Microsoft Edge时进行视觉搜索?

启动Edge浏览器,点击Chat按钮,选择"更多创造型",启动Visual Search图标,迷宫之旅就此开启。

下一篇:### 3 Effective Methods for Checking Your Windows 11 Laptop's Battery HealthAre you curious about the condition of your Windows 11 laptop's battery? Here are three straightforward methods to quickly assess your battery health and potentially extend its lifespan:---**Method 1: Use the Windows 11 Settings**1. **Access the Settings Menu**: Click on the Start button, then select the gear-shaped icon in the bottom-left corner to Access Settings.2. **Navigate to Device & Battery**: In the Settings window, choose Device from the left-hand pane, and then select Battery from the right-hand side menu.3. **Check Battery Health Metrics**: Under the Battery Life section, you'll find details such as the battery health percentage, the expected battery life for a typical discharge, and other useful metrics that give you insights into your battery's overall condition.---**Method 2: Open PowerShell for Advanced Analysis**For detailed battery health stats, you can use PowerShell:1. **Open PowerShell**: Search for PowerShell in the Start Menu, right-click on the top result, and select Run as administrator.2. **Batch Command**: In PowerShell, copy and paste the following command to query the battery health in a more technical format:```get-ciminstance Win32_BatteryStatus```3. **Analyze Results**: The command returns information that can help you understand the current state of your battery, including health-related metrics.---**Method 3: Use System Information to Review the Detailed Report**The System Information tool provides a detailed report on various aspects of your system, including battery health:1. **Open System Information**: Press the `Win + R` keys, type `msinfo32`, and press `Enter` to open the System Information window.2. **Navigate to System Summary**: Within the System Information window, click on the System Summary section in the left-hand pane.3. **Review Battery Information**: Look for relevant battery information under the Physical Devices or Zip1:NarratorCache categories, depending on your system configuration.---Regularly checking battery health can help you plan for maintenance and ensure your laptop is always ready when you need it. Follow one of these methods today to maintain your Windows 11 laptop's optimal performance!