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Effective Methods for Disabling Automatic Period Creation with a Double Space (Mac, iPhone, iPad)

时间:2024-09-21 15:15:36 来源:网络整理 编辑:Telegram Channel



Embrace the era of seamless typing on your Mac, iOS, and iPad! Did you know a double tap on space can effortlessly introduce a period? It's a delightful conundrum for some, but frustration for others like me. The moment I press space, a pesky period often appears. It results in exquisite exasperation. Seek solace; this guide will traverse the path to disabling this double space for periods on Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Plus, you'll master the art of hush-hiding those keyboard and mic shortcuts on iPadOS 16. Let's dive in!

Unveil the Secrets: Disable Double Space for Period Magic on Your Devices

This dual-kilometer space and full stop trick is a default demeanor on most Apple commodities.Separator deft at work, it's both a boon and bane for writers. But who wants to fight punctuations on the fly? Unravel the mysteries of turning it into a standalone stunner with our detailed guide for macOS Monterey and Ventura, and for our apple sheriffs—the iPhone and iPad.

MAC OS: The Period's chống-chroma Chronicles

Knock out the double-space bane with ease. It's a mere peck at the Keyboard icon away. Navigating to Ventura's terrain, we've got you covered, too!

Let's disable the full stop's fly on Monterey.

Zip over to the Apple ribbon up top.

Unfurl System Preferences… like a savory spice.

Choose the Keyboard fortress, and you're in.

Steel yourself under Text towers.

Dare to uncheck the Add full stop with double-space traitor.

For the hearty and the heart strony, here comes the Venturestrategy for you:

Pounce on the Apple ribbon.

Unveil System Settings… like a gem's secrets.

Gaze upon Keyboard in the side alley (or sidebar).

Edit like a maestro under Input Sources—the final frontier.

For MPEG frente, hit the toggle for Add period with double-space.

Battle Double Space on iPhone and iPad: A Story of Triumph

With iPhone and iPad on the same page, the journey is predictably identical. Here's the regal quest to vanquish the pesky period:

I. Begin with the Settings court, followed by the noble General domain.

II. Select the Keyboard kingdom to wield its reign.

III. Flip the “.”shortcut switchara-magic of options, humanity!

Defeat the Gboard Goliath: Disabling the Double Space in Gboard

Behold, Gboard offers a full stop's familiar face. Implement the coup to disable the double-space calamity.

⚔️ Vanquish Gboard, your iPhone pettigree, and glimpse the进食 settings.

⚔️ Dis torpedo the double space, outsmarting the period pariah.

But if the “.” emblem tempts you, here's the acesthetica intervention:

⚔️ In the keyboard settings, deputize the Show “.” on keyboard toggle, render it invisible.

上一篇:### Protect Your Smartphone Against Coronavirus: Best Disinfection PracticesIn light of the ongoing global health crisis, maintaining the cleanliness and safety of your smartphone is more important than ever. Discover how to effectively disinfect your smartphone to shield it from the transmission of COVID-19 and other viruses.#### Step-by-Step Guide to Disinfecting Your Smartphone**1. Prepare and Gather Your Materials:**Before you begin, gather the following supplies:- A soft cloth or microfiber cleaning wipe- A disinfectant spray, alcohol wipes, or alcohol-based hand sanitizer (at least 70% alcohol)- Non-abrasive gloves (optional for extra protection)**2. Power Down Your Device:**Turn off your smartphone to prevent any damage that might occur while cleaning.**3. Clean the Surface:**Using the soft cloth or microfiber cleaning wipe, gently clean the exterior surface of your device. If you have one, wear non-abrasive gloves for extra protection against germs.**4. Disinfect the Screen:**Most cleaners and disinfectants can damage smartphone screens, so it’s important to use the right product. Here are the options:- **Disinfectant Spray:** Hold the spray bottle at least 12 inches away from the screen and spray it onto the soft cloth before wiping the surface.- **Alcohol Wipes:** Wipe down the screen with an alcohol wipe, being sure to cover the entire area, including the sides and edges.**5. Clean the Ports and Buttons:**Use a cotton swab dipped in your chosen disinfectant or a small amount of alcohol to clean around the charging port, speaker grills, and physical buttons. Be gentle and avoid pressing anything before it’s dry.**6. Dry and Reassemble:**Once you've finished cleaning, let your smartphone air dry completely before turning it back on. This may take a few minutes or longer, depending on the cleaning agents used.**7. Practice Regular Sanitation:**To keep your smartphone safe from harmful pathogens, establish a regular routine of cleaning and sanitizing your device. Follow these steps at least once a week or as needed, especially after heavy use or if you’ve been in a crowded public space.#### Safety Tips- Always read the product labels of any cleaning or disinfecting solutions you use to ensure they are safe for your specific device’s surface.- If you use an alcohol wipe or spray, look for products that are labeled as suitable for electronics.- Never spray a liquid directly onto the device; instead, spray it onto the cloth or wipe first.- Be cautious with your cleaning routine to avoid damaging your device's warranty.Protect your phone and stay safe by following these simple steps and maintaining a diligent cleaning routine. Your smartphone will thank you for its longevity, and you'll have peace of mind knowing it’s a safe device in these challenging times.