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### How to Set Up Quick Phrases Using Google Assistant on Your Pixel DeviceLearn the hassle-free steps to personalize your Google Assistant experience and enable Quick Phrases on your trusty Pixel!

时间:2024-09-21 10:52:50 来源:网络整理 编辑:Telegram Premium



Explore Google Assistant’s unseen wonders like audio messages and WhatsApp calls! Uncover the exclusive 'Quick Phrases' feature on Pixel devices. Invoke assistance and perform actions beyond the traditional "Hey Google"! Delve into setting up Quick Phrases on your Pixel and discover the Extreme Battery Saver feature.

Decoding the Quick Phrases Feature of Google Assistant

Effortless automation lies within the Quick Phrase feature of Google Assistant. It streamlines your interaction by skipping the wake-word, enhancing efficiency. Let’s dive into a practical scenario: Set an alarm, and instead of, 'Hey Google, cancel the alarm', a simple 'Stop' or 'Snooze' suffices! Manage calls by stating 'Answer', 'Decline', or 'Silence'. It’s that smooth on all Pixel models (Pixel 6 and up), in multiple languages, and accessible through Google Assistant settings. Plus, manage your routine hands-free with Google Nest Hub Max!

Use these personalized phrases:











Quick Phrases are compatible across the Pixel series and help simplify daily tasks without needing to reach for your phone.

Activating Quick Phrases on your Pixel Device - Your Guide

Either through Google Assistant or your device settings, configuring Quick Phrases is a breeze.

Quick Start Method 1: Through Google Assistant

1. Speak, "Hey Google, open Assistant Settings", to access the settings directly.

1.Hey Google, open Assistant Settings

2. Navigate to 'Quick Phrases' and configure away.

2.Quick Phrases

3. Toggle on 'Alarms, timers, and incoming calls' for instant action.

3.Alarms, timers, and incoming calls

4. Enable 'Continued Conversation' for 'Phone' to fully engage Google Assistant.

4.Continued ConversationPhone

Convenience Awaits Method 2: Through Settings App

Here’s the alternative pathway to Quick Phrases:

1. Head to the Settings app, tap 'Google', and proceed to 'Settings for Google apps'.


2. Tap on 'Search, Assistant, and Voice options' followed by 'Google Assistant'.

2.Search, Assistant, and Voice optionsGoogle Assistant

3. Tap 'Quick Phrases' from the search bar to reveal the options.

3.Quick Phrases

5. Turn on the quick phrases that cater to your daily needs.

5.turn on

Frequent Questions Answered

Q: Activation of Quick Phrases on my Pixel Device

A: Just follow the instructions detailed in this guide to set up Quick Phrases on your Pixel device.


Q: Why isn’t Google Assistant Quick Phrases visible on my Phone?

A: The Quick Phrase feature is exclusively available on Pixel devices (Pixel 6 and higher). It is currently not supported on other Android phones.


Embrace the Pixel's Potential with Google Assistant

That's an overview of the quick-phrase feature in Google Assistant for Pixel devices. Share this enlightenment with loved ones and see more helpful tips below:

What else could fascinate you?

  • Personalize your Pixel’s sound profile
  • Get to know the myriad uses of Google Pixel 7 & 7 Pro
  • Widen your smartphone safety net with Crash Detection
  • Master photo editing with the Google Pixel 7 Series
  • For more insights, dive into our Google News, join our Telegram Group, and explore our YouTube Channel.

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