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BSNL Debuts Detel D1 at Just Rs. 499, Including Exclusive Voice Package Deals 关键得用纸飞机 PC 客户端下载

时间:2024-10-14 00:44:53 来源:网络整理 编辑:Telegram



Step into the world of connectivity with BSNL's exciting alliance with Detel, a local mobile brand, to launch an eye-catching Rs. 499 feature phone, the Detel D1. This collaborative marvel is the latest in a series of innovative offerings. Originally valued at Rs. 346, the Detel D1 is available now under BSNL's enticing tariff bundle.

Announced by Jaipur's Telecom czar, Manoj Sinha, BSNL’s Detel feature phone eschews data for voice,createdAt Rs. 499, adapting to the simple lifestyles of its users. BSNL's Rs. 153 plan skips the data component, focusing solely on crystal-clear calls.

有什么服务在BSNL Rs. 153 Plan中?

catering to those who prioritize calls over data, the BSNL Rs. 153 plan奉上153元至您的账户,提供15分/分钟的超值BSNL至BSNL通话和40分/分钟的BSNL至其他网络通话。这些通话福利全年有效,额外送上28天的免费彩铃。

Detel D1的特性一览

揭秘Detel D1,这是一部搭载1.44英寸黑白显示屏的简约电话机,运行于安全稳定的2G网络,仅支持单SIM卡。配备650mAh电池,功能包括电话簿、手电筒和扬声器,附赠一年保修。

BSNL慷慨地提供了为期一年的捆绑优惠,只需499元,便能将手机和超值服务带回家。回忆起往昔,BSNL曾与Micromax携手推出Bharat 1,一款配有每月97元套餐的4G功能手机,与Detel D1的特性大相径庭。