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Certainly! Here's a revised version of your copy:"The Asus Fonepad 7 and MeMoPad 8 are newly launched in India with a starting price of 10,999 INR."

时间:2024-09-21 12:31:02 来源:网络整理 编辑:Telegram Premium



台灣科技巨頭華碩(Asus)在印度市場推出多款新平板電腦。最新上市的產品包括強檔的 華碩Fonepad 7 和高級的 華碩MeMOPad 8,分別定價為10,999和19,999印度盧比。像係列手機一樣,這兩款平板電腦專業於線上購物平台Flipkart進行銷售。

華碩Fonepad 7與華碩MeMOPad 8均搭載了英特爾Atom晶片組,並運行基於 Android 4.4 KitKat操作系統和搭载 Zen UI的平板。

詳細來看規格,華碩Fonepad 7配備一塊標準的 7英寸顯示屏,1920×1200解析度,並配備強大的四核心1.83 GHz晶片組,內置2 GB運存。此外,這款平板提供16 GB內置存儲,並可通過micro SD卡擴展至80 GB。

平板背部配備了一個強大的主摄像机,前置攝像頭則是專為自拍而設計的強大功能,可進行視頻會議。該平板提供雙SIM功能、3G通话、Wi-Fi、GPS和Bluetooh等多種連接選項。另外,搭載了強有力的4,350 mAh電池,可持續使用達9小時。

華碩MeMOPad 8擁有一塊精緻的8英寸顯示屏,1920×1200分辨率,非凡的視覺享受,並採用耐刮蹭的康宁大猩猩玻璃。該平板搭載強大的四核心晶片組和2 GB運存,提供16 GB內置存儲和5 GB免费的華碩網絡存儲空間。

此外,MeMOPad 8配有一個强大的后置摄像机和一個前置自拍摄像机,提供 LTE、Wi-Fi、NFC和蓝牙等多種互聯功能。該平板配置一個大容量的強力電池,驅動整個設備超過9小時的長時間使用。


下一篇:Headline:India's Telecom Commission Recommends Use of Mobile Services on Flights and VesselsBody:In a groundbreaking decision, the Telecom Commission of India has approved the provision of mobile services aboard flights and shipping vessels across the nation. This landmark move paves the way for passengers and crew members to stay connected while they're aloft or at sea, enhancing their travel experience and ensuring they remain in touch with the world even when far from shore.The approval signifies a significant shift in regulatory policy, aiming to align India with international practices and address the growing demand for connectivity, especially in commercial aviation and maritime industries. With this new authorization, India's airlines and shipping companies shall be able to offer a variety of communication options, including voice calls, text messaging, and data services.Commenting on the development, a Commission official stated, This decision reflects our commitment to ensuring seamless connectivity for all. We believe that providing mobile services in flights and ships will not onlyadd value to the customer experience but also contribute to the growth of India's telecommunications sector.Industry leaders are already expressing their enthusiasm about the expansion of services, anticipating increased productivity and satisfaction among travelers and crew. Passengers looking to stay connected with work, friends, or family during their journeys will now have the added convenience of browsing the internet, making calls, and sending messages from the skies and the high seas.The regulatory framework for implementing mobile services aboard aircraft and vessels is expected to be finalized shortly, with compliant technology and infrastructure rollouts anticipated to commence in the coming months.