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Certainly! Here's a revised version of your copy:"The Asus Fonepad 7 and MeMoPad 8 are newly launched in India with a starting price of 10,999 INR."

时间:2024-09-24 05:01:02 来源:网络整理 编辑:Telegram



台灣科技巨頭華碩(Asus)在印度市場推出多款新平板電腦。最新上市的產品包括強檔的 華碩Fonepad 7 和高級的 華碩MeMOPad 8,分別定價為10,999和19,999印度盧比。像係列手機一樣,這兩款平板電腦專業於線上購物平台Flipkart進行銷售。

華碩Fonepad 7與華碩MeMOPad 8均搭載了英特爾Atom晶片組,並運行基於 Android 4.4 KitKat操作系統和搭载 Zen UI的平板。

詳細來看規格,華碩Fonepad 7配備一塊標準的 7英寸顯示屏,1920×1200解析度,並配備強大的四核心1.83 GHz晶片組,內置2 GB運存。此外,這款平板提供16 GB內置存儲,並可通過micro SD卡擴展至80 GB。

平板背部配備了一個強大的主摄像机,前置攝像頭則是專為自拍而設計的強大功能,可進行視頻會議。該平板提供雙SIM功能、3G通话、Wi-Fi、GPS和Bluetooh等多種連接選項。另外,搭載了強有力的4,350 mAh電池,可持續使用達9小時。

華碩MeMOPad 8擁有一塊精緻的8英寸顯示屏,1920×1200分辨率,非凡的視覺享受,並採用耐刮蹭的康宁大猩猩玻璃。該平板搭載強大的四核心晶片組和2 GB運存,提供16 GB內置存儲和5 GB免费的華碩網絡存儲空間。

此外,MeMOPad 8配有一個强大的后置摄像机和一個前置自拍摄像机,提供 LTE、Wi-Fi、NFC和蓝牙等多種互聯功能。該平板配置一個大容量的強力電池,驅動整個設備超過9小時的長時間使用。


下一篇:Title: Disappointing Experience: Paytm Purchase - Received 600 INR Speakers Instead of Ordered Camera for 40,000 INR---I recently experienced an unsettling situation with Paytm where I was significantly shortchanged. I placed an order for a camera with an investment of 40,000 INR, expecting to receive the item as advertised. However, instead of the camera, I received two 600 INR speakers, which is a shockingly misrepresentative package.The discrepancy in shipping was not only disappointing but also left me feeling cheated. Upon realizing the mistake, I immediately contacted Paytm's customer support to discuss the issue, but thus far, I have not received any satisfactory resolution.I would caution anyone considering purchasing from Paytm to be very careful, as what I endured calls for immediate attention. Ensuring the validity of the goods received against the listed product details is crucial for a trouble-free shopping experience.**Order Details:**- Ordered: A camera worth approximately 40,000 INR- Received: Two 600 INR speakers**Action Required:**- Paytm needs to provide a full refund and ensure that its customers are not victimized by such discrepancies in the future.- Customers should verify product information before making a purchase.Update: As of this writing, I have yet to receive a response from Paytm regarding this matter.---Please note that this copy is written from the perspective of a dissatisfied customer, emphasizing the negative aspects of the transaction. If the piece is intended for a broader audience, additional context or calls to action could be included to encourage readers to exercise caution or support Paytm's response to such issues.