您的当前位置:首页 > Telegram Download Tutorial > ### Airtel Set to Secure Tikona's 4G BWA Spectrum Across Five Telecom Regions This week brings news that Airtel is poised to acquire Tikona's 4G BWA (Broadband Wireless Access) spectrum in five key telecom circles. The strategic move is expected tosignificantly enhance Airtel's network capabilities and expand its footprint in key markets. 正文

### Airtel Set to Secure Tikona's 4G BWA Spectrum Across Five Telecom Regions This week brings news that Airtel is poised to acquire Tikona's 4G BWA (Broadband Wireless Access) spectrum in five key telecom circles. The strategic move is expected tosignificantly enhance Airtel's network capabilities and expand its footprint in key markets.

时间:2024-09-24 09:31:54 来源:网络整理 编辑:Telegram Download Tutorial



Airtel aspires to amplify its market influence by vying for Tikona 4G's offerings, including the Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) spectrum and a portfolio of 350 network sites spanning across five telecom territories. This strategic move aims to expand Airtel's 4G footprint in India amidst intense rivalry with market titans Reliance Jio and the emergent Idea-Vodafone alliance. Yet, the acquisition is fraught with legal complexities, as Tikona co-founder Rajesh Tiwari has served a legal missive to both Airtel and Tikona, contesting equitable shareholder distribution and the execution of the deal's legalities.

As a minority shareholder owning a tad over 1% in Tikona, Rajesh Tiwari insists that clarity on proprietary rights is imperative before continuing the corporate liaison. Since 2008, Rajesh has been intricately involved with Tikona’s Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. To date, Bharti Airtel has remained silent over the unfolding saga.

The pursuit of Tikona follows swiftly on the heels of the Vodafone-Idea merger approval, reflecting the dynamic landscape of the telecom industry's efforts to safeguard their share of the market. The impending union of Idea and Vodafone threatens to outsize Airtel, currently enjoying a customer base of 364 million as of December 2016.

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