您的当前位置:首页 > Twitter > **Get Ready for the Google Nexus 6 (Lollipop 5.0.1 Version) at Flipkart This Evening!**Join the latest tech revolution as the sought-after Google Nexus 6, featuring Android 5.0.1 Lollipop, hits the shelves on Flipkart tonight. Stay tuned; availability begins at precisely midnight! 正文

**Get Ready for the Google Nexus 6 (Lollipop 5.0.1 Version) at Flipkart This Evening!**Join the latest tech revolution as the sought-after Google Nexus 6, featuring Android 5.0.1 Lollipop, hits the shelves on Flipkart tonight. Stay tuned; availability begins at precisely midnight!

时间:2024-09-16 00:10:34 来源:网络整理 编辑:Twitter



Born into the arms of midnight, the Google Nexus 6 debuts for eager customers. Last month, a mere sprints to 44,000 INRFetch began the countdown, and now, for the Google Online Shopping Extravaganza, it surges forth with excitement.

Wind through the import data, the Nexus 6 counts 1240 souls taken in this grand land. Yet, with the increased perch of Nexus, the oh-so cobertura wallet chimes fortissimo.

Erected with a 6-inch Super AMOLED screen in Quad High Distinction purity, the Nexus 6 operates with the Snapdragon 810 quad-core CPU at an unapologetic 2.7 GHz. The Adreno 420 GPU and an robust 3 GB RAM team up with precision.

Choice in the variant of your wants: 32 GB or 64 GB, both with wallets drawn for 44,000 INR and up. Where CAMERAiline leads, treat your eyes with a 13 MP sensor that zooms in with love and records 1080p video essays with panache from 2 MP of the front.

Swathed in Android Lollipop’s bold stride, treat your fingers to the most audacious Android fps yet. In India as it is, Nexus 6 winks out of the box with 5.0.1 Lollipop, the defective SXileged. Measuring force within a 3220 mAh battery bubble, power stays vital, and turbo charging is just around the recharge corner.

Flipkart interception on Nexus 6_radiant.

Key Specs Landscape

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